Under 5s (reception)
Starting soon - contact our secretary to register interest.​​​​​​​​
U8s (year 3)
Marcus - Marcus.hanson@hotmail.com
Both of our teams at this age group are full-up and cannot take on any more players this season.​
U6 (year 1)
Ash -Ashleywright00@hotmail.co.uk
Our U6s are currently full-up and cannot take on any more players this season.​
U9s (year 4)
Lee - Leemcc1979@gmail.com
Our U9s are full-up and cannot take on any more players this season.
U7s (year 2)
Thomo - Ben.thomo28@gmail.com
Our U7s are full-up and cannot take on any more players this season.
U10s (year 5)
U12s (year 7)
Rick - richard.grieve@gmail.com
Our development team is full-up, and our Div 3 team is only able to take on experienced players (div 3 and above) at this point.
U15s - (year 10)
Ant - antony_cole_oz@yahoo.co.uk
We have 2 teams at this age group, but contact the coach and he can advise which is the best for your child.
U13s (year 8)
Steve - hunterbnt@gmail.com
We have 2 teams at this age group, but contact the coach and he can advise which is the best for your child.
U16s (year 11)
Dan - dmflahive@hotmail.com